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Pioneering Power: Benefits and Applications of Core Muscle Groups

Pioneering Power: Benefits and Applications of Core Muscle Groups

Pioneering Power: Benefits and Applications of Core Muscle Groups


The core muscle group belongs to the stabilizing muscles, whose main function is to maintain the stability of the trunk and resist excessive rotation, allowing the limbs to move on a stable basis. Usually, it is necessary to strengthen the strength training of the core muscle group. Weak core muscle strength can easily lead to sports injuries, acute back injuries, and back pain. The core muscle group is composed of the outer core muscle group and the inner core muscle group. The outer core muscle group includes the erector spinae, rectus abdominis, quadratus lumbosae, and external oblique muscles of the abdomen. The inner core muscle group includes the diaphragm, transverse abdominis, multifidus, and pelvic floor muscles. Simply put, "core" should refer to the entire body formed by the lumbar spine, pelvis, and medullary joints.

Only a functional core is sufficient to support the normal operation of the entire body. A powerful core can safeguard your athletic performance, and specifically, there are several benefits:

1. Stabilize the body and maintain the correct movement posture

The stable contraction of the core can create fulcrums for the contraction of the limb muscles, improve the contraction strength of the limb muscles, and ensure that the limbs maintain the correct posture during movement.

2. Preventing sports injuries

When exercising, especially during explosive movements, a strong core muscle group can ensure that the limbs remain in their normal position during the movement, thereby exerting the stabilizing effect of deep muscle groups and avoiding sports injuries such as lower back pain and abdominal sprains.

3. Improve exercise efficiency

Our core muscle group plays a bridging role in the power transmission of the entire power chain.

A strong core strength will play a role in power transmission, making the bridge connecting the upper and lower limbs more stable. This way, the efficiency of power transmission will be higher, allowing us to better complete training movements.

4. Avoid compensation and relax tense muscles

Core training can increase the flexibility of core muscle groups, balance the muscle length between antagonistic muscle groups, and avoid intramuscular compensation caused by weak core strength during exercise. Reduce exercise effects.


How to stabilize the core?

1. Strengthen core muscle groups through specific exercises. Here are some recommended core training actions:

(1) Hard pull, select a weight of 50% 1RM for hard pull. After a period of pulling, place the barbell at the knee, tighten the waist and back, and perform static isometric contraction for 20 seconds. Repeat for 5 sets.

(2) Load bearing abdominal bridge, support the feet and upper back, apply weight at the joints, hold for 30 seconds, repeat for 5 groups, this action can improve anti extension ability, strengthen core and spinal stability.

(3) Load sit ups, repeated 10 times per group for 3 groups. This movement can enhance the absolute strength of the anterior core muscle group, while training the core's ability to resist lateral flexion and rotation.

2. Pay attention to breathing

In core training, the correct breathing method is also important. Usually, exhaling when contracting the core muscle group and inhaling when relaxing helps to better activate the core muscle group.

3. Maintain the correct posture

Maintaining the correct posture is also crucial for stabilizing the core in daily life. Whether sitting, standing, or walking, pay attention to keeping your back straight, your abdomen slightly closed, and your shoulders relaxed.

4. Balanced diet

A reasonable diet helps provide the necessary nutrients for the core muscle group, promoting muscle growth and recovery. It is recommended to consume sufficient protein, carbohydrates, and healthy fats.

In short, stabilizing the core requires comprehensive consideration of multiple aspects such as exercise, breathing, posture, and diet. By persistently practicing and paying attention to details, gradually improving core stability.





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